Mathematical expressions play a crucial role in conveying complex ideas, especially in technical content. In this blog, we'll explore how to enable math typesetting in Astro .mdx files using the powerful combination of remark-math
and rehype-katex
Step 1: 📦 Package installation#
To kickstart the process, we need to install the necessary packages – remark-math
and rehype-katex
. Open your terminal and run the following command:
$ npm install remark-math rehype-katex
: This package extends Markdown's capabilities, allowing seamless support for mathematical expressions. -
: Specifically designed to work with KaTeX, this package handles the rendering of mathematical expressions in Markdown files with speed and efficiency.
Step 2: 📝 Modifying the Astro config file#
Now, let's modify the Astro config file (astro.config.ts
or astro.config.mjs
) to incorporate these packages. Import and enable remark-math
and rehype-katex
as shown below:
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import remarkMath from 'remark-math'
import rehypeKatex from 'rehype-katex'
export default defineConfig({
markdown: {
remarkPlugins: [remarkMath],
rehypePlugins: [
// Katex plugin options
Step 3: 🪄 Use Auto-render Extension in Katex#
To render math across the entire HTML page, we'll add the Auto-render Extension of KaTeX in the head tag of our Astro layout file for Markdown pages. Locate or create the layout file under ./src/layouts/
. Find the latest Katex code snippet on Auto-render Extension.
<html lang="en" class="scroll-smooth">
<!-- Katex -->
href="[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css"
src="[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js"
src="[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js"
<slot />
✌️ Conclusion#
Enabling math typesetting in Astro .mdx files is a streamlined process with the powerful combination of remark-math
and rehype-katex
. This integration enhances your content, allowing you to seamlessly include and beautifully render mathematical expressions, providing clarity and precision to your readers. Whether you're a technical author or anyone dealing with mathematical content, this approach ensures a smooth workflow and an enhanced reading experience.